Graduate Profile

After completion of their studies, the Midwifery Department graduates obtain necessary scientific knowledge and technical skills, in order to conduct Midwifery in the following fields:

  1. Obstetrics: Diagnosis of pregnancy, anteparum care, evaluation of the general health status of pregnant women and neonates, prenatal diagnosis, family preparation for labor and delivery, perinatal care, conduct of labor in cephalic and breech presentations, promotion of breastfeeding, postnatal care during the puerperium. In co-peration with other scientists, care and nursing of abnormal cases in Obstetrics and assisted reproduction. Documentation and registration of data.
  2. Neonatology: Clinical examination of neonates, recovery, diet, nursing care of normal and high-risk neonates during transport to and hospitalization in Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Selection of necessary equipment and planning regarding nursing staff in such units.
  3. Gynecology: Gynecologic examination; taking of history, Papanicolaou’s smears and vaginal and cervical swabs; breast examination, nursing care of patients with gynecologic and breast disease.
  4. Family Planning: Organization and provision of Family Planning services and sexual education.